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Rash Curtis Lawsuit



The August 31, 2024 claims submission deadline has expired. All initial disbursements have been processed and distributed, and will remain valid until the end of the year. Payments for the secondary disbursement will be calculated once the initial payments expire and are expected to be distributed in early 2025. Please continue to check this website for further updates regarding the exact dates and additional information.

Settlement Information

United States District Court for the Northern District California

If You Received Calls From Rash Curtis & Associates, You May Be Entitled To Significant Monetary Benefits

A federal court authorized this notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

  • A lawsuit has been filed against Rash Curtis & Associates ("Defendant" or "Rash Curtis"), claiming that they placed wrong-number calls using an autodialer and/or an artificial or prerecorded voice to individuals without prior consent in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act ("TCPA"). The Court has allowed the lawsuit to be a class action on behalf of all persons who received a call on their cellular telephones from June 17, 2012 through April 2, 2019 (the "Class Period") from Rash Curtis’ auto dialers or who received a prerecorded message or robocall whose telephone number was obtained by Rash Curtis through skip tracing.
  • After a trial in May 2019, a jury found that Rash Curtis was liable for making 534,698 calls in violation of the TCPA. The Plaintiff has since recovered $75,600,000 to satisfy the judgment. On October 1, 2021, the Court approved the Proposed Plan of Distribution of Settlement Proceeds, thereby approving the method of distributing the $75,600,000 proceeds to which class members are entitled to.
  • Monetary Benefits Available: The purpose of this notice is to tell you how you can obtain your share of the judgment. The Court ordered that the balance of $46,421,474.20 (which represents the balance remaining after the payment of attorney’s fees, expenses, the Plaintiff’s incentive award, and settlement administration costs and expenses) shall be distributed pro rata per call to each eligible class member, representing a minimum of $86.82 per call received during the Class Period, for an average of over $700 per class member. More than 12,000 class members will receive payments in excess of $1,000, with hundreds of class members qualifying to receive between $5,000 to $40,000. As discussed below, class members may be entitled to significantly more money in a second distribution if they follow the instructions set forth in this notice.
  • Electing Form of Payment: You have the right to select a method of payment, including electronic payments via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or a cryptocurrency wallet, or you can receive payment by check. However, for payments exceeding $600, you will be required to fill out a Form W9, which will be sent to applicable Class Members. The best and most secure way to obtain money from this judgment is to fill out the claim form on this website.
  • Second Distribution: After an initial distribution to class members, the administrator will issue a second distribution to those class members that cashed their checks or whose payments were processed electronically and who provided requisite W9 forms, where applicable. Please note that the second distribution may be significant, but you will not qualify for it if you do not timely cash your check or provide requisite electronic payment and W9 information.

Legal Rights & Options

The Court has certified this lawsuit as a class action. The Plaintiff and class members won a jury trial, and have since recovered $75,600,000 to satisfy the judgment. The Court has since approved the Plan of Distribution of Settlement Proceeds, whereby the balance of the judgment (after payment of attorney’s fees, costs, expenses, and incentive award) shall be distributed amongst Class Members pro rata based on the number of phone calls received by each Class Member out of the 534,698 calls found to be in violation of the TCPA.
If you qualify as a Class Member, you should file a claim form by August 31, 2024, on this website to elect your preferred method of payment, including electronic payments via PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or a cryptocurrency wallet, or you can receive payment by check. It is important to fill out the claim form so that the administrator can validate your identity as a Class Member, and can update your contact information and the location of where a check should be sent (if you elect payment via check). In case you are entitled to more than $600, it is vital that you fill out the Form W9, which will be sent to applicable Class Members, to ensure that you receive your full compensation.
If you do nothing, you may still be entitled to some benefits. However, you will only receive monetary benefits if the administrator already has your updated contact information on file. Such payments will be sent by check. If you do nothing and do not fill out a Form W9, you will not receive any funds above $600 even though you may otherwise qualify for such amounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
For detailed information about eligibility requirements and how to file a claim, visit our FAQ page. Learn More
Important Dates
Deadline Expired
Deadline to Submit a Claim

[email protected]


Claim Administrator
AI Class Solutions
75 Washington Valley Rd, Box #146
Bedminster, NJ 07921

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v11 / 2024-10-22T11:36:03-04:00
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